There are lots of opportunities to work at Golden Spike next year. Come join us for something amazing! Custodian - Golden Spike - June 16, 2022 Functional Skills Para - 4.75 Hrs - Golden Spike - June 15, 2022 Functional Skills Para - 6 Hrs - Golden Spike - June 20, 2022 Functional Skills Preschool Para - Golden Spike - June 20, 2022 Student Custodian - Golden Spike - June 16, 2022
over 2 years ago, Box Elder School District
Welcome Golden Spike Golden Eagles! When students, staff, and families were surveyed for the mascot that they wanted to represent Golden Spike, the golden eagle came out on top! Some of the reasons included that golden eagles represent wisdom, courage, honesty and freedom. They are also noble, steady, consistent, adaptable, strong, intelligent, and they take care of each other. These are all traits that we want students and staff at Golden Spike Elementary to attain to! We are all so excited to learn with our Golden Spike Golden Eagles!
over 2 years ago, Shaylyn Ekins
Mascot, Blue and Gold Eagle
Fun at the combined Foothill/Mountain View PTA party! We are excited to join these two schools into Golden Spike and double our friends!
over 2 years ago, Shaylyn Ekins
Golden Spike Principals
lots of people having fun!
color fun
Mountain View teacher (and soon to be Golden Spike Golden Eagle) was recognized as a BESD Outstanding Elementary Teacher. We are so grateful for her hard work and what she does for kids!
over 2 years ago, Shaylyn Ekins
Colleen Lambright Outstanding Teacher
Principal Shaylyn Ekins and Assistant Principal Dax Sederholm checking the progress of the school! We are so excited to welcome our Golden Spike Golden Eagles!
almost 3 years ago, Shaylyn Ekins
principal and vice principal in front of the school
Teryl Jeffs and Shaylyn Ekins, new principals of Golden Spike Elementary, got to tour the building. The views are awesome!
about 3 years ago, Shaylyn Ekins